Sunday 2 October 2011

Body Whip and Twitter Tips

Because I was rather late getting involved in Kate On Thin Ice's Getting Your Groove Back meme, I forgot to answer her questions for this week in my last post.

What song would be best to play a lot whilst attempting to get your groove back?
I'm cheating a little bit here, but I'd like to choose the album 'Lungs' by Florence and the Machine. Any song from that, I love them all.

What can you do to make your body feel better this week?
Shifting this rotten cold would be a great start! I feel awful right now, and I suspect it's only going to get worse over the next couple of days. As I don't have much control over that, I'm going to say moisturise. I always feel great when I have soft, smooth skin. I used to put on body lotion each evening, but sort of gave it up as I became too large and uncomfortable to do it during my last pregnancy. I don't have that excuse any more, so I've just ordered some body whip moisturiser from Avon which will hopefully have me silky smooth and smelling lush too.

I've also just made a Twitter account and I'm feeling a little bit lost over there. I've started finding and following some of the bloggers I read, but that's as far as I've got. My name is @mumofcurls so if anybody wants to follow me or give me some tips on what to do from here, that would be great :D

Lastly, I would like to announce that I have been breastfeeding for three months today! I'm very proud of that as it is the longest I have managed to breastfeed and we are still going strong.

1 comment:

  1. I love lotions and stuff like that, so nice!! Congrats on the breast feeding..I've been doing it now since May with my second. I did it until my daughter was 1 the first time, it can get tiresome at times and what to wear can get boring,but its worth it! Be proud, its awesome! xx
